Set Up Approval Steps for Different User Types Creation
Define and map template User ID for creation of new user during User Creation business AI scenario.
SAP Note 2540430 – Roles via reference user in SU01 are not picked up by Fiori Launchpad ( should be implemented in the SAP system.
Step 1. Create Template User IDs of Reference type and assign the roles that you want to be present for new users created via the User Creation Business AI scenarios.
Step 2. Navigate to SPRO node:
IMG Menu | SAP Customizing Implementation Guide ® Intelligent Decision Dimensions Add-On ® Conversational AI Integration ® Scenario-specific Settings ® Scenario: New User Creation ® Define Template Users |
Transaction Code | SPRO |
Step 3. Press New Entries.
Input Usage Type: this text will be outputted as selection option in the conversation with a User;
Step 4. Select Template user IDfrom the list of users created in Step 1 for the specific user creation approval process.
Step 5. Select one of Approval Types:
The following approval types are delivered in the framework of the solution:
No Approval – user creation is approved automatically; user receives credentials at once after request has been submitted
1-step Approval – one approval step is required before credentials for the new user are sent
Multi-step Approval – up to 2 workflow approval steps with possibility of extension with Customer-specific rule
Step 6. For 1-step Approval and Multi-step Approval, select the type of the Approved determination.
Agent type could be selected from one of the following options:
Role– Approver will be identified as the user that has assignment to the role set in the configuration
Rule– Agent determination will be done within the customer rule
User– User ID from the configuration will be assigned as Approver agent1.
Step 7. For 1-step Approval and Multi-step Approval, input the value in accordance with the Agent type selected in Step 6. Possible values: Role name, Rule ID, User ID.
For Multi-step Approval, also fulfill parameters: Agent Type2 and Agent Role Name 2nd
Step 8. Save and test user creation with approval process via the conversation.
Result: User Creation approval scenario is configured.