Register New Model
Step 1. Open the AI Model Configurator application in the AI Model group.
Step 2. After opening the application, you will see an initial screen with all the AI Models available. Each tile represents one model, with its name, description and deployment status. Click on a model you want to work with to proceed.
Step 3. You are now on a specific model homepage. Those are the basic data and functionalities here:
A – Drop-Down Menu with applications. Open another application from here.
B – switch to another model
C – model main settings
D – side menu with Conversational AI section (Intents and Entities overview and edit), Generative AI, RAG, Skills section (Action Server), and Monitor Section (Conversation Logs)
E – model statistics and overview
AI Model Registration: How to create an AI Model?
To start working on your AI Model, you need to configure it from scratch or copy an existing model.
Option 1: Create New Model from scratch.
Go to the AI Model Configurator application and click on the Create button.
Fill all the required fields: Name, Description, Label.
In Configuration, select which types of AI will you use for your model.
Save your entries.
Model is created.
Option 2: Copy an existing model.
There is also the possibility to copy an existing AI Model and use it as a base for your own project.
Click on the blue Create button, and select Create as a Copy.
Fill in the Name, Description and Label.
In Configuration Section, select existing model to copy data from.
Select AI functionalities ( Conversational AI, RAG AI, Generative AI) to include in your model and click Create.
A new AI Model Copy is created.
Step 4. Edit Main Settings
Click on the Settings icon in top-right corner. A panel with basic information and settings will show up. From here you can edit the data:
To delete an AI Model, open Settings Panel and scroll down.
Click on Delete AI Model , confirm the deletion on another screen.