AI Translate
Step 1. Open the AI Translate application in the AI Model group:
In case you do not capture the translation in the AI Translate app, the AI Model can always give you the translation using Google translate API key in the runtime.
Step 2. In the AI Translate, you should provide the skill ID (optional), the target language, the original phrase (Text Source) and the translated phrase (Target Text). Navigate to the Edit mode:
Click on the Add button:
Capture your translations and click Save button.
NOTE: Please use exactly the same phrase you have placed into the AI Model answer (best to use copy paste, might include braces or JSON format)
Step 3. Another way to add answers translation is to upload an excel file.
Please use the .xlsx file with columns:
Skill Name
Target Language
Text Source
Text Target
Example file:
Click Upload Spreadsheet and Browse the file.
Select the file from your computer and confirm:
After selecting the file, the data should show up on the application page. Push Upload Data button to save the new entries.
Step 4. Now your AI Model has the multilingual feature activated with a possibility to take responses from Business AI Translations.