RAG Document Hub
RAG Document Hub serves as a rag documents library. You can browse existing files using a range of filtering options or upload new ones.
Step 1. Open the RAG Document Hub application in the AI Model group:
Step 2. Switch RAG Destination
Rag Destinations are declared ML Models Hub, there can be multiple destinations (connections) available. For each RAG destination, there is a different set of files. Select the switch menu at the top-right side:

Step 3. Filtering options
Press the icon on the right side of each filter to see possible options. Sometimes its possible to type in a value for search.
Press the Go button or press Enter on keyboard to see the search results.
Click on the Adapt Filters to mark which filters should be visible:
Step 4. Documents Table & View Settings
Yellow columns are standard. Green columns are destination-specific. They are equal to attributes defined for each destination. (Settings for attributes are done in the ML Models Hub app).
It’s possible to change the order of the columns in the table, or hide/show certain columns to best suit your business case. Press the settings icon in the top-right corner of the table (1). The View Settings Panel will open.
Tick the column names to make them visible (2). Hoover over the column name, and use the controls that will show up to change the order – drag them up or down (3). Press “OK” to confirm changes (4).
Example use case of Sort tab :
Step 5. Upload File
Press the Upload File button, select the file, and fill in the optional data:
Press Upload :
Check upload progress:
Step 6. Preview File
Press on the row with the document you want to preview:
Use the controls to resize the preview window (arrow on left side) or enter full screen ( top-right corner icon).
Press the x close icon in the top-right corner to close the preview.
Step 7. Edit File
Select the file you want to edit and click the Edit button:
Step 8. Delete File
Select one or many files and press the bin button. Confirm deletion of files :