Channel Creation
Step 1. Open the AI Model Configurator application in the AI Model group.
Step 2. After opening the application, you will see an initial screen with all the AI models available. Each tile represents one model, with its name, description and deployment status. Click on the model you want to work with in order to proceed.
Step 3. Open the Channel management application of Communication Channels.
Step 4. Channel creation.
You are allowed to create a new Channel from scratch or copy one of the existing Channels.
Channel creation
Click on the Create button to add a new Channel.
Copy the Existing Channel
You might want to use the existing Channel as a base and copy it. To do so, press the Create as a Copy button (1), add the Name (2), choose the Reference Channel (3) and Channel Type (4). Press the Create button (5).
The copy will also retain the scenario assignment (Scenario Activation Tab) and the styles (Webchat Design Tab, only for the Webchat Channel type) from its origin.
You can follow the steps in this tutorial to change these properties to your liking.
Step 5. Start filling in the parameters for the new Channel. The initial form will contain some universal parameters:
Channel Name – follow your own naming convention,
Channel ID – this field is auto-generated,
Channel Type – select from the list of available types (Webchat, Microsoft, Telegram, etc.).
To fill out the fields for Zoom Integration refer Steps 6 – 12.
Step 6. Go to
Select Develop at the top right-hand corner, and then Build App.
Step 7. Select Team Chat Apps, click Create.
Step 8. Select the name for the app:
Step 9. App Credentials:
Client ID – paste it into the Client ID field in Skybuffer AI Channel settings.
Client Secret – paste it into the Client Secret field in Skybuffer AI Channel settings.
Redirect URL for OAuth – <Bot webhook base URL>/zoom_auth – fill in the field according to this schema:
OAuth allow list – add the base webhook URL (same as in the redirect URL) to this list.
Step 10. Basic Information
Fill in the App name, Short description, and other data.
Step 11. Feature tab
Add the following features:
Verification token – paste it into Skybuffer AI Channel settings.
Bot JID (production) – paste it into Skybuffer AI Channel settings – field Bot ID.
Save your entries on Skybuffer AI.
Step 12. (optional) Fill in the remaining tabs and publish the app.
Scenario Activation Tab
The Channel has been created, but there are still some steps to finish the setup. Next, it’s necessary to activate scenarios for the new Channel.
Step 13. Make sure the new Channel is selected. Press Edit, and then navigate to the second Tab – Scenario Activation.
Step 14. Activate scenarios:
Select System (3) from the drop-down menu.
Tick the box in the Active column next to the group name (4), to activate all the scenarios in the group.
Tick the box next to the single scenario (5) to activate it.
Tick the box in the Adaptive Card column (6) to also activate the card variant for the scenario.
Save your entries (7).