Create Business and Technical Users
Use transaction SU01 to create Administrator User ID (it will be then used for initial login to Hybrid Chats and Support Team configuration) and technical users.
NOTE: Please refer to the table below for required user IDs list and proper roles assignment according to the business user role:
User | User Description | User Type | Roles |
XXX_HC_WS | Technical user for web socket connection. To be assigned in SICF for service yai_cc_cai |
Service | |
XXX_HC_LP | Technical user for live pool management. Used to schedule live pool /SKYBFR/YAI_CC_POOL and execute actions in the system. |
XXX_BOT | SAP User representing the AI Model credentials to execute actions in the SAP system on behalf of the chat user. As to Hybrid Chats, it is set as Operator if the conversation is successfully managed by the AI Model |
System | |
HC_BU_ADM_TM | Reference user with extended rights to see technical details of the dialogues and have full access to all conversation logs and reporting. | Reference | /SKYBFR/HC_TEAMS_MAINTAIN_AD
HC_BU_MNG_TM | Business user with extended Organization structure view authorization for Quick Replies management | Reference | /SKYBFR/HC_TEAMS_MAINTAIN_MNG
/SKYBFR/IDD_BCR_CC /SKYBFR/IDD_BCR_CC_BA [Standard role to access FIORI Launchpad] |
HC_BU_AGN_TM | Support Agent. Executes dialogues in Active and Archive mode of the application. Limited with access to the queue depending on the dialogue Category, or Business Partners group access permission. | Reference | /SKYBFR/IDD_BCR_CC
/SKYBFR/IDD_CC_SERVICES [Standard role to access FIORI Launchpad] |